Services NSW have introduced a fortnightly eligibility test for the Job Saver program. If the business is trading, it will need to reconfirm its eligibility at the end of each fortnight to continue to receive support. If the business is not trading, you can just tick confirm without completing the decline test.
- Commencing with the first fortnight being 13th to 26th September (please ignore any Service NSW communication received for periods prior to this)
- Please wait until the fortnight is complete to submit your application
- Currently (as at 2/09/21) there is no cut-off date for the lodgment, however you will not be paid until the confirmation has been processed. So, if you wish to lodge multiple fortnights at once that function will be available. This will allow you to ensure your accounts are up to date to review your revenue.
Decline in Turnover (DIT)
To work out the DIT each fortnight, use the applicable comparison process from the following 3 options:
If your initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020
- Option 1 — Use the same year but the corresponding fortnight as the current fortnight for which you are reconfirming your eligibility
- Option 2 — Use the same comparison period that was used in the application
If your initial comparison period was 12 June to 25 June 2021
- Option 3 — You must use the same period that was used in the application
Please refer to your Accountant Job Saver Letter, which will contain these details
Other Key Points
- Businesses can oscillate in and out of Jobsaver. Becoming ineligible for one fortnight does not disqualify a business from becoming eligible again in a future fortnight where they meet the eligibility conditions.
- You must confirm your employee head count
- You must use your BAS reporting basis. E.g. if you report cash you must use the cash basis for your review
- If the comparison period used in the initial application was more than 2 weeks (e.g. a
3-week period or a 4-week period), the turnover amount for the comparison
period must be converted to a fortnightly amount for comparison purposes to the current turnover by dividing by the number of days in the period and multiplying by 14. - Note – Service NSW will not confirm either way if an employing business where the only employees are associated persons can claim Disaster payments
If you have any question or would like assistances with the above please feel free to contact your accountant at SBP, we will be ready to help.
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